If order is...
Less than $ 500.00 ... Minimum $ 50.00 Delivery Fee
$ 500.00 - $ 1000.00 ... Minimum $ 75.00 Delivery Fee
$ 1001.00 - $ 3000.00 ... Minimum $ 125.00 Delivery Fee
$ 3001.00 - $ 6000.00 ... Minimum $ 250.00 Delivery Fee
$ 6001.00 - $ 10,000.00 ... Minimum $ 375.00 Delivery
$ 10,001.00 & Up ... Minimum $ 500.00 Delivery Fee
There may be a minimum $ 500.00
order for certain busy days of the year.
Delivery charges are based upon
the amount of equipment ordered. There are extra charges if additional
labor is required, lift trucks, special handling, extensive set up and
breakdown, early a.m. or late night delivery or breakdown, set up required
more than 1 hour before running time, or delayed breakdown after the scheduled
Delivery charges will be added to your contract at the time of your order.